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India has long been considered as a land of spices and the Western Ghats region of the country is found to be the origin of many spices like black pepper, cardamom to name a few. Over the years, there has been a steady increase in the consumption of spices in the country as well as growth in exports. The purchasing power of the people is increasing and upwards movement in food chain would significantly increase per capita consumption.
is not only the largest consuming market for spices, but also possess highest potential for production of variety of spices, especially in Bundelkhand region. As per the projections of the Department of Horticulture, the State offers huge opportunities for production, value addition, processing, organic farming and consumption of spices. Government is keen to increase the production of spices and help entrepreneurs setup processing units at district levels for medium and small businesses.
This offers big opportunity for large companies and brands to collaborate for forward market linkages. Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development jointly with Department of Horticulture is organizing a day long 5th Edition of Spices Conference & Expo-2025 to bring all key stakeholders on one platform to showcase products and technologies and facilitate sourcing and supply chain and partnering for marketing and processing
CARD is a premier Non-Governmental Organization, which is working in the areas of agro projects development, livelihood projects, capacity building and entrepreneurship development, and farmers market linkages programs, since its inception in the year 2000.
Department of Horticulture is the nodal department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh, which executes programs and policies and all developmental projects related to horticulture. The Government is committed to developing spices sector in the State for the benefit of the farmers.
The 5th Edition of Spices Conference & Expo-2025 would be a state level event, in which spices FPOs and potential entrepreneurs would participate along with the state department, research institutions, bankers, national experts and senior executives from the spices industry. This seminar aims to promoting cultivation, supply chain and value chain, business linkages and market of spices in the State.
Each FPO and entrepreneur, who participates, would get hand-holding support and consultancy from CARD for the following:
Project feasibility report
Training and exposure visits
Bank Loan from different banks
Subsidy and other legal compliances
Processing units, machinery and operations
Market linkages and marketing support
Quality seed and seedlings for better production
Wednesday, 19th April 2025
Each FPO and entrepreneur, who participates, would get hand-holding support and consultancy from CARD for the following:
Project feasibility report
Training and exposure visits
Bank Loan from different banks
Subsidy and other legal compliances
Processing units, machinery and operations
Market linkages and marketing support
Quality seed and seedlings for better production
Title Sponsor ( Rs. 3.00 Lac + GST )
The official status of the title sponsor of the event.
Name & Logo to appear in promotional material like posters, site gates and program banners.
Special acknowledgement during inaugural & concluding session
Corporate movie to be displayed during lunch.
Sharing Inaugural & concluding dais with the Chief Guest.
Company product catalogue can be inserted into the seminar kit.
20 minute presentation/slots for interaction with the Entrepreneurs
Full page back cover page AD in post souvenir.
Sponsor (Rs. 1.50 Lac + GST)
The official status of the sponsor of the event.
Name & Logo to appear in promotional material like posters, site gates and program banners
Special acknowledgment during Inaugural & Concluding session
Company product catalogue can be inserted into the seminar kit.
15 minute presentation/slots for interaction with the Entrepreneurs
Front back page AD in post souvenir
12sq. mt Stall
Co- Sponsor (Rs. 1.0 Lac + GST)
The official status of the Co-Sponsor of the event.
Name & Logo to appear in promotional material like posters, site gates and program banners
Special acknowledgment during inaugural & concluding session
Company product catalogue can be inserted into the seminar kit.
10 minute presentation slot for interaction with the entrepreneurs.
Back cover inside page AD in post souvenir 6sq.mtStall
Panel Sponsor (Rs. 0.75 Lac + GST)
The official status of the panel sponsor of the event
Name & Logo to appear in promotional material like posters and in all standees.
Acknowledgment during inaugural & concluding session
Company product catalogue can be inserted into the seminar kit.
Back page AD in post souvenir Stalls
Stall of 6sqmt @40000 + GST