A seasoned professional from Private ,Cooperative, Government and PSU corporate sector aiming towards achieving goals , innovation ,formulation of business design and strategy, product development along with marketing and sales revenue generation with mission through the vision to streamline and strategize for Agriculture and Rural development of India having skillset Research, Business Development, Product Development, Brand Promotion, Marketing and sales, Legal-Administration and Govt Liaising. In MMTC Limited as General Manager, Led as a Country Head in the Business verticals of Non-ferrous metals(Zn,Tin,Nickel) ,Precious metals(Goldand Silver), Agro products(Cereals, Wheat Pulse,oilseed,Edible oil ,Fertilizer(Urea,DAP,MOP) ,Agrochemicals ,Steel NINL Plant ,Silverware and General trade in domain of marketing and sales, product development including Brand promotion, import-export and Domestic distribution, Supply Chain comprehensively at the highest performance level.. In Sandoz(India )Limited Agro/Syngenta as Regional Manager Led Agro Chemicals and seed marketing and sales successfully launched and implementation of Aqua flow based pesticides named EKALUX (Quinolphos)First in India. All India Star Performer , 1994Highest Achievement Award 1992 ,1993 and 1994. Developed Three Tire Network of Marketing and Distribution of Agro chemicals and seeds , Developed the Sandoz Farmers Service Centre in year 1993. In KRIBHCO as Area Manager Domestic distribution of Urea and Nitro phosphate Fertilizer of Urea Plant of HBJ Gas based UREA Factory at Surat of KRIBHOActively involved in formalizing and materializing marketing ,sales , domestic distribution and retention pricing of the fertilizers and seeds in Cooperative and Private Net Work across West Bengal and M Maharashtra. Involved in Dryland Projects run by the company in Banasthali, Panchmahal areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat Established Farmers club at Gharaunda, HaryanaEstablished a three tier COOPERATIVE NETWORK with APMCs for direct distribution. In Govt. Of West Bengal6th Rank Holder - West Bengal Agricultural Services Served as a 1st Class Gazetted Service Officer leading the Pilot project in Murshidabad District W.B. for harvesting Sugarcane , Pulses and Cereals etc. Lauched Sona Mung and B19 Mustard Variety and actively conducted farmers meeting demonstration and mini kits distribution in a tie up with Block Administration and Panchyat.
In CARD in the domain of FPOs FFPOs ,CSR Projects ,ACBCA Centers,.Farmers Engagement Programme ,Events,Seminars Workshpos present and developmental activities on PAN India basis are looking after successfully.
Mohd. Shakeel is an Agriculture Graduate and MBA with a work experience of more than 6 yrs in NGO. He is Heading Bhagidari Agribusiness Centers Projects of CARD funded by MANAGE in Muzaffarnagar/ Dibiyapur providing training to agribusiness graduates and play a critical role at the ground level by empowering the farmers/rural communities with knowledge regarding best practices pertaining to farm cultivation, cottage industries, etc. to ensure sustainable livelihoods.
After the successful completion of the course, we facilitate the trainees to choose a venture (Agri/Horti/Dairy/Fisheries/Goatery etc.) and help them prepare market based DPR to avail financial assistance through government schemes or financial institutions
We already have ACABC centers operational in Uttar Pradesh at Muzaffarnagar, Dibiyapur and Lucknow district.
Mr Srivastava is Post Graduate with 15 years of experience in corporate and NGO sectors, he is overall coordinating CARD activities in UP.
Mr Srivastava is working for coordinating state level events and mobilizing grants from State Govts/ Central Ministries etc. He has represented organization on various platform with most focus on Thematic Entrepreneurship Development Programs.
Mr. Sakir Khan holds a Masters of Science in Agronomy from CCS University, Meerut and
Bachelors of Science in Agriculture from CCS University, Meerut . He is working as a Nodal Officer AC&ABC Scheme posted at Agri-Clinic & Agribusiness Training Centre Debiyapur (District-Aurriya), Uttar Pardesh since 6 th November 2013. He has a working experience of more than 13 years in various fields of agriculture. He has severed various organizations during his tenure on various working profiles.
Mr. Ashok Kumar holds double M.A. in English and Political Science. He also holds a diploma in Rural Development. He has a working experience of more than 15 years in guiding farming societies as Secretary and Executive Director. He has exceptional knowledge of Indian agriculture sector, economics, rural development and political science. He has been associated with Centre for Agriculture And Rural Development as the Regional Director- Bihar since its inception. He is very passionate about his work and aspires to bring transformational changes in Indian agriculture sector.